[ale] Monarch Computer

Robert Reese ale at sixit.com
Wed Dec 27 15:28:13 EST 2006

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On 12/27/2006 at 1:39 PM Robert Owen wrote:

>On 12/27/06, Christopher Fowler <cfowler at outpostsentinel.com> wrote:
>> Also it seems to have been a while since they've had an ad in Linux
>> Journal.
>The January 2007 issue has the usual 2 page spread from Monarch.

That means little since the ads are usually placed months in advance.  And because advertising supported entities such as radio stations and magazines are themselves frequently hungry, they're more likely to continue running ads even if a client is in behind in their payments.

Very unfortunate, as they really were my favorite place to go.  Sadly, they were so far from me (not to mention not easy to get to) that I didn't get there very often; Fry's is even further, but at least they were easy to access.  What a true shame...

Robert Reese~

   * Microsoft is NOT a standard. *

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