[ale] spam

Jim ale_nospam at fayettedigital.com
Tue Aug 15 08:26:49 EDT 2006

Geoffrey wrote:
> I know there's been a couple of discussions on spam recently, but I'm 
> curious as to the volume people still see getting through.
> Anyone care to share the % of messages they still get with their current 
> spam solutions?  I'm looking at putting a better solution in place, but 
> don't want to do a lot of trial and error if I can leverage the lists 
> experiences.
> Thanks folks.
I have multiple email addresses.  I'm seeing from 1% on this email to 
99% on my bellsouth address.  Of course, the only valid mail I get on 
the bellsouth account is from bellsouth.  I've never given it to anyone 
however I receive hundreds of spam messages a day to that address.  Most 
of them get caught by the bellsouth filters (90%).  I get >50% on my 
mindspring account.  It's my sense that I get about the same number of 
spam messages on most of my addresses, but depending on how many legit 
messages the percentage varies.


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