[ale] tcsh script question

Jim Philips briarpatchkid at bellsouth.net
Wed Aug 9 20:29:44 EDT 2006

I'm going nuts with this. We have a file coming in that has characters with 
diacritical marks, such as accented vowels. I created several substitution 
routines that work fine from the command line, but when placed inside of a 
larger shell script, they bomb. In one case, the character is simply deleted. 
In another, it gets replaced with /211. Here is my routine:

# Convert special characters
  cp ${FILE} ${FILE}.ORIG
  sed -e s/\\321/N/g -e s/\\361/n/g -e s/\\301/A/g -e s/\\341/a/ -e 
-e s/\\351/e/g -e s/\\315/I/g -e s/\\355/i/g -e s/\\323/O/g -e s/\\363/o/g -e 
s/\\332/U/g -e s/\\372/u/g -e s/\\335/Y/g -e s/\\375/y/g
#  cat ${FILE}.ORIG | tr '[\321,\361,\301,\341,\311,\351,\315,\355,\323,\363,
\332,\372,\335,\375]' '[N,n,A,a,E,e,I,i,O,o,U,u,Y,y]' > ${FILE}

Don't laugh. I'm not an experienced writer of these things. The character I'm 
replacing so far is \351 (accented e). Any ideas as to what may work? The OS 
is Sun Solaris.

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