[ale] Computer forensics

A LeDonne aledonne.listmail at gmail.com
Wed Apr 26 12:52:48 EDT 2006

On 4/26/06, Greg Freemyer <greg.freemyer at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 4/26/06, Sean Kilpatrick <drifter at oppositelock.org> wrote:
> > An article on The Register this morning starts this way:
> >
> > "A new law in Georgia on private investigators now extends to computer
> > forensics and computer incident response, meaning that forensics experts
> > who testify in court without a PI license may be committing a felony."
> >
> > The full (and interesting) article can be found at
> >
> > <http://www.theregister.co.uk/2006/04/26/law_change_for_pis/>
> >
> > Fortunately, Sonny _may_ not have signed this wonder -- yet.
> >
> > Sean
> This potential new GA law is getting lots of high-level interest in
> the Comp. Forensic and CPA fields.
> If Sonny signs it (or has signed it) then a lot of common activities
> become a felony.
> ie. Your a consultant and your client is attacked by a hacker.  Your
> called in to respond.  As part of that you collect evidence that may
> be used in a criminal prosecution, or in a civil suit.  If you don't
> have your PI license, you just committed a felony.
> CPAs care because theri reports are often performed in support of a
> civil suit.  Per the potential new law, they would have to have a PI
> license to do that.
> Greg

If these interpretations are correct, I have to hope that the ACLU
will go after this law, since it would mean only those who can afford
PIs can present expert witnesses in trials - which strikes me as a
pretty clear impediment to a fair trial.


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