[ale] ICMP Timestamp

Denny Chambers dchambers at bugfixer.net
Thu Apr 20 13:59:10 EDT 2006

Thanks Bob for the reply.

Bob Toxen wrote:

>On Wed, Apr 19, 2006 at 03:06:14PM -0500, Denny Chambers wrote:
>>Does anybody know if I would break anything by disabling the ICMP 
>>Timestamp function in the ICMP kernel code. I want to leave the function 
>>in place, but comment out the code, to basically make is a no op 
>>funtion. Incoming ICMP Timestamp request would call the function, but 
>>the function would do nothing, and not return a responce. I have a 
>>kernel running, with the code turned off, and everything appears to work 
>>ok. Just wondering if there is some functionality that I could be 
>>breaking that I am not aware of.
>You ask the wrong question.  The answer to it is no, it won't break anything.
>The right question is "does a system need to respond to ICMP Timestamp
>requests and what is the easiest way to block them?"
>The answer is that they are unneeded.  The best way to block them is with
>IP Tables or IP Chains.  See my book for details.
>Best regards,
>Bob Toxen, CTO
>Horizon Network Security
>"Your expert in Firewalls, Virus and Spam Filters, VPNs, Linux System
>Administration, local and remote backup software, Network Monitoring,
>and Network Security consulting"
>http://www.verysecurelinux.com       [Network & Linux/Unix Security Consulting]
>http://www.realworldlinuxsecurity.com [My 5* book: "Real World Linux Security"]
>"Real World Linux Security: Intrusion Detection, Prevention, and Recovery"
>2nd Ed., Prentice Hall, (C) 2003, 848 pages, ISBN: 0130464562
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