[ale] Good Qmail book

Jesse Guardiani jesse at wingnet.net
Mon Apr 17 15:02:35 EDT 2006

Brandon Colbert wrote:
> Hey! Can anyone recommend a good Qmail book? I just started a new gig 
> and guess what we are running qmail on thousands of servers.

I highly recommend you get yourself a test machine and patch and build
a few qmail installs from scratch. You'll have a hard time understanding
the various complicated interactions otherwise. This is a good place to


Treat qmail like you treat linux. Learn it from the ground up before you
try to use an abstraction layer like a gui or a web interface or a management
script. You'll be much better off in the long run.

If you need any professional help, let me know. I built from scratch and
admin a few production qmail servers. Nothing like thousands, but that wasn't
up to me. :) I'm sure there are others on this list that have done the same.

Jesse Guardiani
Programmer/Sys Admin
jesse at guardiani.us

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