[ale] Auditing root shells

James P. Kinney III jkinney at localnetsolutions.com
Mon Sep 19 10:18:58 EDT 2005


Serial console is an excellent idea. I now recall from "The Cuckoos Egg"
the use of a serial console split on the wire to a line printer that was
used to capture the command during a breaking.

the tool sudosh (sourceforge) is a one-stop-shop for what is needed
here. It is shell agnostic and acts basically like a keystroke logger.
Admins ( even the whiney "sudo is too hard" ones) can access it with
"sudo sudosh" (make it the _only_ thing they can access by aliasing sudo
to it or setting it as the only allowed shell in /etc/shells).

It also has the sudosh-replay which allows a one to pick the admin and
replay their commands. Couple this with syslog being tee'ed to a remote
machine that is append only.

On Mon, 2005-09-19 at 09:53 -0400, Christopher Fowler wrote:
> On Mon, 2005-09-19 at 09:01 -0400, John Wells wrote:
> > We have a need to capture everything an admin does while logged in as
> > root
> > and another power login (postgres).  This is driven by a number of
> > forces,
> > not the least of which is Sarbanes Oxley.
> There is the solution of using a serial console only as root and the
> serial console can log all console output to a separate server.
> Consider this screen capture of the console.
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James P. Kinney III          \Changing the mobile computing world/
CEO & Director of Engineering \          one Linux user         /
Local Net Solutions,LLC        \           at a time.          /
770-493-8244                    \.___________________________./

GPG ID: 829C6CA7 James P. Kinney III (M.S. Physics)
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