[ale] [OT] SGI supercomputer

Dow Hurst Dow.Hurst at mindspring.com
Thu Sep 1 00:36:48 EDT 2005

You shouldn't have posted this.  I am all in a dither now.  I could use 
it since we have codes that only run on 64bit IRIX.  However, it's 
bulky, may or may not really operate, and the hardware support cost per 
year would be expensive.  I'm sure a SGI reseller will up the bidding 
near the close.  It's worth about $20K to someone who can use and 
support it.  Sometimes you need the hardware when the software isn't 

I'm going to go to bed now and forget about this.....

James P. Kinney III wrote:
>Gee! For a current bid price of $500 it's a steal. Too bad the AC power
>will cost $1k/month to run the pile.
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