[ale] Seeking ways to getting around spyware on Windows

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Tue Oct 11 07:12:30 EDT 2005

Jason Smith wrote:
> Geoffrey,
> --- Geoffrey <esoteric at 3times25.net> wrote:
>>I'm curious as to why windows for your parents.  Is
>>there a specific 
>>software package they require?  I've had my
>>mother-in-law on Linux since 
>>SuSE 7.2.  All she does is word processing
>>(openoffice), email 
>>(thunderbird) and browsing (firefox).
>>I can't tell you how much time this has saved me
>>when it comes to fixing 
>>things.  Before I was over there at least once a
>>week, now it's simply 
>>for upgrades.
> Unfortunately I cannot go over when there is a problem
> since my parents live on a different continent :) and
> are on a dialup connection.

That is a very valid issue.  Same one applies for my mother who is in 

> Reasons why I believe Windows is best suited for them:

<a bunch of good and valid reasons deleted for brevity>

> My primary concern is that despite general awareness
> of the spyware problem ... they have without their
> knowledge installed software with adware/spyware in it
> and I am seeking ways to contain/prevent it. 
> Thanks

Well, at least it appears you've done your homework. :)  I have found 
that the Norton Internet Security suite of apps. are pretty thorough, in 
spite of the fact they are proprietary.  You might take a look at it.

Until later, Geoffrey

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