[ale] Novell NetWare GroupWare

James Taylor James.Taylor at eastcobbgroup.com
Sat May 28 17:22:17 EDT 2005

I can see you are basing your information older versions of the product, and it sounds like, no direct experience administering a properly configured system.

You don't have don't take my word for it. I'd be glad to have you talk to some our clients that are running the from 5 to 10,00 user networks on NetWare and GroupWise.  Maybe you could talk to the ones that have very happily migrated from Windows and Exchange to NetWare and GroupWise.


James Taylor
The East Cobb Group, Inc.
james.taylor at eastcobbgroup.com

>>> fd0man at gmail.com  >>>
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Greg wrote:
> As I am never surprised at the experience and problem solving abilities of
> this group I have a question to pose for those interested in responding.  I
> suppose I should put some disclaimer here that I am techno-athiestic and
> rather non - apologetic about it so if use of the M **S** word offends then
> I promise I won't be insulted if you kill-file me.
> Does anyone have any experience with / opinions on Novell's NetWare and
> GroupWare with regard to a small home network that uses Windows, BSD,
> Solaris, and Linux clients ?  I am looking for a solution to support the
> following :
>  - network file sharing
>  - a shared printer
>  - NT domain administration
>  - Escalade RAID controller card as well as PCI disk controller cards
>  - to tie in 2 Windows 2K Pro clients using Outlook 98.
>  - the occasional MS laptop that needs to connect to the network
> temporarily.
> My questions specifically :
> 	1.  Is it overkill for a small 12 box or so network ?

Yes.  Also, it's a PITA.  And I don't trust it for the larger sized
networks it was designed to work with, anyway.

> 	2.  How does GroupWare 6.5 work with regards to Outlook 98 ?  I have read
> the plugin stuff but have not actually tested it.  I am not interested in
> using Kontact, Thunderbird/Sunbird, Evolution, or anything else.  Upgrading
> to Outlook 2003 is a possibility if needed ... dim but I might consider it.

Not a clue there, but I can tell you that I hated it's mail
functionality back in the days that I used it.  (Slightly before version
6).  YMMV.

> 	3.  Can it run on old gear ?  (old gear == 700 MHz, 512 MB RAM box with a
> lot of hard drives in it)

Yes, but can Linux+Samba+gnupop3d+postfix do what you need?

> 	4.  Any software raid solutions ?

Not that I know of for Novell... but I'm sure you can find addons somewhere.

> 	5.  Cost - I have seen the demo downloads on the Novell site, but it
> doesn't say if it blows up after 30 days or not.  I can get a copy of
> GroupWare 5.5 cheaply but it's moot if I need to pay big bucks for NetWare.
> Novell seems to want to be Open Source or rather identified with them, enjoy
> others writing code for them to use, but still wants to sell proprietary
> software for big bucks (kinda like Sun and Java) that they control.  I am
> not interested in spending money here.  I can live with what I've got if I
> need to as opposed to spending $$.

I'd not go for it, at all.  I just plain don't like their software...
it's propretary and not as flexible as many other configurations.  And
I've never met a Novell Admin that didn't wish they used something else.

> 	6.  NetWare seems to be an OS according to some literature and other stuff
> seems to treat it as an application - which is it ?

It's an OS in that it takes over the system, but you can exit it's
server back to DOS (or at least, you used to be able to).  Weird setup.

> 	7.  Does it support printing and have a pretty good set of device drivers
> if it is an OS ???

Couldn't tell you, but I wouldn't use it for that... "Applications" for
it are compiled NLM files.

> 	8.  How are updates ? easy, hard, impossible ?

Couldn't tell you... I never got that far.

> 	10. Is easily administered ?

Sometimes... when it's configuration interfaces *work*.

> The current solution is a Debian system running software RAID 5, SAMBA 3,
> cups, and a hey GroupWare solution (that's when one user says "Hey don't
> forget about our appointment at foo's with bar next Tuesday at 8:00 am !!!
> ") along with PC-based Outlook 98 / PDA.  I plan on replacing the software
> RAID with an Escalade card.
> I guess I could find an old copy of MS Exchange Server but I would like to
> explore other options if possible ...
> All opinions welcome, and if some of you start twitching and arm waving at
> the multiple references to Microsoft .... well .... you were warned at the
> beginning ...

While many solutions have their places in the market, I believe that
Novell's place was secured back in the 3.x days and that's about it.
They made *great* software way back before SMB became a serious player
in the market.  If what you're looking for is something that can manage
mail and appointments (and I know you already said you don't want to do
this, but I'll throw it up in the air anyway):  Mozilla Suite with the
Calendar extension, or Firefox or Thunderbird with the calendar
extension, or even your favorite mail program + Sunbird.  Why?  Sunbird
uses standard .ics files (iCal standard), and you can send the file to
someone that uses the software, in an e-mail, and they can double-click
and import the calendar and it's alerts and such.  I rather like it.

Eventually, Sunbird should be a much more featureful setup then it
currently is.  It's still in the early(ish) stages of development.

	- Mike

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Michael B. Trausch                               <fd0man at gmail.com>
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