[ale] Debian issues from Drew

Dow Hurst Dow.Hurst at mindspring.com
Thu May 19 14:41:31 EDT 2005

What browser are you using?  I have Mozilla 1.7.2 and the link in issue 
1 works fine for me.  No crashes.

2.  I think the midi module that runs your card would need a flag in the 
/etc/modules.conf entry for the module when it is loaded to configure 
the mpu port.  This link has some examples that indicate this, 
http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/MIDI-HOWTO-7.html.  I'm sure you've seen this 
page but maybe it will help.  Isn't there a low-latency distribution 
just for audio and video now?  Can't remember the name.

3.  Not familiar with Gnutella but after visiting the page and seeing it 
is a file sharing app, I can see why it might not allow itself to be run 
as root.  You can always setup an alternate normal user and ssh to your 
user at localhost to get the X permissions taken care of.  I've used this 
to run X and OpenGL apps as root to display on my normal user login in 
the X environment.  You can use it vice versa, eg. as root ssh to the 
normal user on the local machine to display Gnutella.

4.  If SANE doesn't work out for you with the normal install docs then I 
can't help as I've never addressed the issue.

5.  Don't know about the IVTV driver.  If the link provided by James 
doesn't help, then you will have to keep looking for info.  Sorry!

6.  I found this bit of info that indicates you might need soundfont's 
so installing Timidity might solve your problem.  Here is the info I found:

Q 3.
I can't hear any sound! I see the running red notes, but there is no sound!
What's wrong?

A 3.
First of all, try to play a MIDI file with kmid (not kmidi!) or pmidi (for ALSA
users). As long as kmid or pmidi doesn't produce any sound, NoteEdit (and any
other MIDI device based software) will not produce any sound too! The reason is:
Either your soundcard has no hardware MIDI synthesizer or it has a hardware MIDI
synthesizer but it is not supported by Linux.

Don't be confused if you are able to hear MIDI files on Microsoft Windows. If
your soundcard has no hardware MIDI synthesizer, Windows automatically starts a
software which converts the MIDI data into WAV (PCM) data in real time. Such
software exists in Linux world too (TiMidity, FluidSynth). However, the main
problem is the soundfont (MIDI orchestra), which usually isn't free, so it's not
included and configured in major Linux distros by default. For details about
setting up the TiMidity server, see README!

Here is the link: http://noteedit.berlios.de

Hope this helps!  I don't recommend running all the time as root, but I 
understand why you do since so much multimedia has required root 
permissions and so on.  My favorite enhancement to Linux so far is the 
subfs system that auto mounts/umounts removeable media on demand without 
having to run mount as root.
Good luck,

ChangingLINKS.com wrote:

>On Monday May 16 2005 09:03, Robert L. Harris wrote:
>>What problems have you had with Debian?  I may be able to help.
>1. Unstable browser.
>The browser is extremely unstable and crashed dozens of times per day.
>For example, if I go to www.kitco.com/market and then try to go to another 
>page, it will crash every time. 
>2. Reset mpu port to 300
>In Suse it is easy to use Yast2 to reset the mpu port (for the midi device to 
>300). I think the default may be 330. I don't even know the name of a program 
>that can change that setting in Debian. I need to configure alsa to accept 
>midi input.
>3. Fix Gnutella  
>I spend a lot of time as root, and do not want to switch to a separate user. 
>Unfortunately, I have not been able to figure out how to 1. install Gnutella 
>in my version of Debian correctly 2. Get it to run in a root environment. Of 
>course Gnutella has an error message and will not run in root.
>4. Get scanner working
>I cannot get the scanner to work whatsoever. It looks like I am installing it 
>correctly, but . . .  
>I have used the scanner before with Suse. It is a Epson 610U. If I remember 
>correctly, I don't get an error for this problem at all.
>5. Install IVTV driver
>I want to play the VCR into the computer and capture video. The scary thing 
>about this problem is there are only a couple of people on the planet that 
>seem to have gotten it to work and of those, none have claimed to do it in 
>6. Get noteedit to produce sound
>There is a program that allows me to compose music - and it seemed really cool 
>for the little bit that I have used it. Unfortunately, after trying for a few 
>hours, I could not get it to sound.
>Those are my four unsolvable problems with Debian. I'd be very grateful if I 
>could reduce the list. I must admit that since I have moved to Debian I have 
>experienced everything about Linux that M$ would claim would happen. On the 
>other hand, overall, I am extremely happy with the customized version I have.
>I have had urges to move to Gentoo - but I keep reminding myself that there 
>won't be much help there (because some people think you have to be 733T to 
>use it and won't offer help). Besides, I have customized this system so much 
>- that it's worth keeping. I'd love it and it would meet all of my needs if I 
>could eliminate the items above. They are in order by priority. 
>If YOU can help me, I can point you to a file to download that will get the 
>system in *your* hands - that way you can try various solutions quickly. 
>I can also provide "journals" of the solutions that have been previously 

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