[ale] Linux Distributions

Michael B. Trausch fd0man at gmail.com
Wed May 18 16:26:18 EDT 2005

ChangingLINKS.com wrote:
>>My "toying" with the all-root-all-the-time premise is to point out that
>>what you (and those before you) are identifying are part of the 1000
>>things that need to be done post install in order to make a Linux
>>desktop system usable.
> BINGO!!!

There are nowhere near 1,000 things that must be done to make a system
usable post-install.  I spend perhaps a grand total of an hour
post-installation making it securely usable.

The issue is that I don't need to reinstall after having installed.  If
I mess up, I restore from known good backup.  Sure, I have it there in
case I screw up massively, but I haven't needed to use it yet outside of
the once that I used it just to ensure that I was comfortable with the
process working in case I needed it.

Michael B. Trausch                               <fd0man at gmail.com>
Website: http://fd0man.chadeux.net/     Jabber: mtrausch at jabber.com
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