[ale] QEMU/Win4lin USB Support/Visual Studio .Net Support ...

John Wells jb at sourceillustrated.com
Tue Mar 29 13:40:35 EST 2005

Martha Armour said:
> Dear ALE Colleagues,
> I would like to be able to run Windows XP Professional
> under either QEMU or Win4Lin Pro.  The main purpose is
> to be able to use Visual Studio .NET 2003; however, I
> have heard that there are problems with USB support,
> and I fear that Visual Studio might not work
> completely either.

I think you're really comparing apples to oranges there....USB support is
a hardware problem (and one that many emulators share), while VS .NET
support is a software problem.  Qemu will provide you with a fully
operating installation of Windows XP...minus working USB.

I would be willing to bet you'll have no problem getting Visual Studio
.NET to work under Qemu, unless you try to use it with a usb drive :).

Hope this helps.


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