[ale] x10 Signal booster? (slightly OT)

Robert L. Harris Robert.L.Harris at rdlg.net
Thu Mar 24 10:29:23 EST 2005

  My neighbor just sent me this link and asked me if these are worth it:


They used to be with the older analog cable but with the new digital
cable and cablemodem for my Linux boxes (see, slightly on topic) will
there be any benefit?  On our charter cable systems there have been
significant issues with signal strength in the past.


Robert L. Harris                     | GPG Key ID: E344DA3B
                                         @ x-hkp://pgp.mit.edu
      These are MY OPINIONS             With Dreams To Be A King,
       ALONE.  I speak for              First One Should Be A Man
       no-one else.                       - Manowar

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