[ale] OT: Question regarding whining monitors (for you EEs out there)

John Wells jb at sourceillustrated.com
Sun Mar 20 23:23:00 EST 2005


I have an Apple eMac that has monitor issues (see older threads in which 
I've mentioned it).  Most of the the time everything works fine, but if 
I leave it on for 15+ minutes or so on average, the monitor begins to 
emit a high-pitched whine that seems to grow in intensity over time...to 
the point that I'd rather jab an ice pick into my temple than to sit at 
it for very long.

I'm preparing to take it to the only authorized support center here in 
Greensboro...CompUSA, but want to be fully wearing my BS armor before 
going in.  In my experience, these guys will throw out any random 
explanation, assuming you're a DAU who doesn't know better.

Can someone explain what might be the likely cause of this?  I've seen 
older monitors do this in the past, but don't really have a handle on 
what causes it.

Thanks for any information you can provide.


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