[ale] backup script part II

Jay Loden jloden at toughguy.net
Fri Mar 18 12:28:22 EST 2005

I'm still working on a backup script in Bash, and everything was set up 
perfectly, but for structural reasons I have to change what gets backed up. 
(just when you think you've got it...) 

What I need is to backup only the last ten tar.bz2 files in the directory.   
Can someone demonstrate how you do a for loop that would determine the ten 
most recent files and then tar only those ten into one big tar file? 

I appreciate the help with this...Bash scripting is still very confusing for 
me and my only alternative is to make it a Perl script.  I'm a Python 
programmer and don't know any Perl, so neither is a great option.  I'd love 
to write it in Python but the place I'm working doesn't want to have anything 
around that isn't in Perl for support reasons. 


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