[ale] Fetchmail

Michael Trausch fd0man at gmail.com
Wed Mar 16 19:41:25 EST 2005

Hash: RIPEMD160

James P. Kinney III wrote:
> Fetchmail is "user specific". Each user on the mail spooler runs their
> own fetchmail process. So you will need to set up fetchmail once for you
> and agin for your wife. Then as root, you can run them from an rc.local
> call using 
> su - <username> 'fetchmail ~/.fetchmailrc'
> su - <user2> ...

Very true, unless you're using one email address for everyone, or to
filter out.  I know one person that uses:

	family+name1 at email.addr
	family+name2 at email.addr
	family+name3 at email.addr
	 ... etc

Which sends mail to family at email.addr, and the +xxx part of it is
used to filter who's message it is, and fetchmail sends it to one
user where that is filtered using (I think, but don't recall for
sure) procmail to process and redirect it appropriately.

	- Mike

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Michael B. Trausch                               <fd0man at gmail.com>
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