[ale] FYI: From /.

Randal Jarrett rsj at radio.org
Sat Mar 12 22:42:52 EST 2005

Linux: Nero Burning for Linux	

Posted by timothy on Saturday March 12, @07:53PM
from the burning-a-hole-in-the-bin dept.
ceasol writes "The German company Nero, developers of the award-winning
Nero Burning ROM suite for Windows, now release a free version for Linux
called NeroLINUX a CD/DVD Burning Software, and include many features
from the Windows version. This software is proprietary but free if you
registered." The OEM versions of Nero that come with many CD burners
aren't sufficient, though; NeroLINUX is free-as-in-beer only if you've
registered "a full version of Nero software version 6 or higher," or a
"retail version or downloaded version."




Randal Jarrett
RSJ Consulting, Inc
Lawrenceville, GA
(770) 822-1096

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