[ale] Trying to install on a new dell

Joe Steele joe at madewell.com
Tue Mar 8 18:29:50 EST 2005

On Tuesday, March 08, 2005 5:23 PM, Davis, Ringo (Lester) wrote:
> I deleted hda 4, 5 and 6. I clicked on Hda2 and selected resize.
> Even
> though in the partitioner it says it is a 24.8 gig drive, teh
> resizer
> thinks it is a 15 gig drive. How do I fix this?
> Ringo

First of all, a disclaimer -- I don't have first hand knowledge of
Suse or of resizing NTFS partitions, so if anyone has better advice,
please speak up....

As I understand it, Suse YaST uses ntfsresize.  Per the FAQ for
ntfsresize (http://mlf.linux.rulez.org/mlf/ezaz/ntfsresize.html),
there's a two step process for resizing an NTFS partition.  In the
first step, ntfsresize is used to shrink the ntfs filesystem.  The
second step involves using a partition editor to shrink the partition
containing the (now smaller) ntfs filesystem.  It sounds to me like
your Suse installation completed the first of these two steps, but
failed to change the partition size downward as part of the second

If this is true, then theoretically it should be a simple matter of
reducing the NTFS partition size.  The ntfsresize FAQ describes
performing this process manually, but the FAQ also suggests that you
use a tool such as SystemRescueCD (http://www.sysresccd.org/) (as a
front-end to ntfsresize) because it's more user-friendly.

Additionally, your problem sounds the same as described here:
http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/topic-21300.html.  Their solution was
to use SystemRescueCD.

Once you get the partition size reduced, I presume the Suse
installation should continue normally.

One question:  your partition data included a 3 GB FAT32 partition
(/dev/hda3), which would presumably show up as drive D:\ under
windows.  Did this exist previously, or is it something the Suse
installation created to help pass files between the 2 OS's?  If Suse
created it and if it contains no useful data, I would remove it
because it's kind-of in the way where it is at the moment.



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