[ale] Burning quick hack
Christopher Fowler
cfowler at outpostsentinel.com
Wed Jun 15 20:02:44 EDT 2005
I go tired of seeing all the output of cdrecord so I hacked out this
quick program. Maybe you guys can play around with it and make it
use POSIX ":sys_wait_h";
use Getopt::Std;
use IO::Handle;
use IO::Select;
use vars qw/$opt_s $opt_d $optind/;
use strict;
# Globals
$opt_s = 4;
$opt_d = undef;
my $selector = new IO::Select;
my $cdrecord = "/usr/bin/cdrecord";
sub get_dev {
my $dev = undef;
open DEV, "cdrecord --scanbus -dev=ATA 2>&1 |";
while(<DEV>) {
next unless m/DRU-530/;
next unless m/^\s+(\d,\d,\d)/;
$dev = $1;
return $dev;
sub main {
die "dvdburn.pl <image file>\n" unless $ARGV[$optind];
my $dev = get_dev() or die "Did not find DVD-RW device\n";
print "Device: ATA:$dev\n";
print "Speed : $opt_s\n";
print "Image File: $ARGV[$optind]\n";
pipe RP,WP or die "Pipe: $!\n";
pipe ERP, EWP or die "Pipe $!\n";
my $pid = fork();
# Child Code
if($pid == 0) {
open STDOUT, ">&WP" or die "PIPE Redirection: $!\n";
open STDERR, ">&EWP";
close RP;
close ERP;
my @args = ();
push @args, $cdrecord;
push @args, "-v";
push @args, "--dummy" if $opt_d;
push @args, "--dev=ATA:$dev";
push @args, "--speed";
push @args, "$opt_s";
push @args, "-dao";
push @args, "-eject";
push @args, $ARGV[$optind];
exec @args or die "$!\n";
# Parent
close WP;
close EWP;
my $data = "";
my $data_stderr = "";
my $percent = 0;
while(1) {
my ($rr, undef, $er) = IO::Select->select($selector, undef,
$selector, undef) ;
foreach my $fh (@$rr) {
if($fh == *RP) {
my $byte = "";
if(sysread($fh, $byte, 1) == 0) {
close RP;
while(waitpid($pid, WNOHANG) != $pid) { }
if($? !=0 ) {
print "\n";
print "CDRECORD STDERR: \n";
print "$data_stderr\n";
print "\n";
return 0;
$data .= $byte;
if ($data =~ m/Track 01:\s+(\d+)\sof\s(\d+)\sMB/) {
my $ps = int($2 / 50);
#print "\r$1:$2:$ps:(".($1 % $ps)."";
if(($1 % $ps) == 0 && ($1 != 0)) {
print "\r";
my $bar = "";
for (my $i = 0; $i < $percent; $i++) {
$bar .= "=";
$bar .= ">";
printf "Complete: [%-50.50s] %s\%\r", $bar, $percent;
$data = "";
} elsif($fh == *EWP) {
my $byte = "";
sysread $fh, $byte, 1;
$data_stderr .= $byte;
exit main;
I did not say unreadable. I said better :)
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