[ale] Screwed by PPP0E

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Wed Jun 1 07:26:11 EDT 2005

Mark Wright wrote:
> I had to switch last night.  The letter they sent said I would still  
> have my IP address.  How can that be?  I wrote SF a note to ask if  they 
> were reducing my bill too.
> I will probably go with bell if I can't have a static IP any more.   Why 
> pay SF $20 more than bell for nothing?

You will be able to retain your static IP if you're paying for it. 
Further you have better speed options.  You should discuss it with them 
before making any changes.  I don't think you have the whole story.

You can have a static IP with pppoe.

Until later, Geoffrey

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