[ale] Debian erasing resolv.conf

Jim Popovitch jimpop at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 19 07:34:07 EDT 2005

One more passing thought on this....

Are you using static settings in /etc/resolv.conf?  If so, check to see
if dhclient (DHCP) is running.  If you need dhclient to pull an IP from
your provider, then edit /etc/dhclient.conf and force it to use your
static nameservers rather than updating them.

-Jim P.

On Tue, 2005-07-19 at 07:20 -0400, Christopher Ness wrote:
> I did an apt-get update and now I am beginning to regret it.
> Something has changed and I can't find what it is. Every few hours /etc/
> resolv.conf is emptied and the system ceases to communicate with the outside 
> world. I've done a quick work around copying a safe copy back into place, but 
> I would really like to fix it. There is no cron job I see so it has to be 
> some process running in the background. Anybody cross this bridge before>

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