[ale] Find IP-address from MAC address

Jim Popovitch jimpop at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 30 17:08:36 EDT 2005

On Tue, 2005-08-30 at 16:31 -0400, Mark Wright wrote:
> I use nmap frequently to tell me what boxes I have on my network
> nmap -sP
> Will return a list off all the machines that are up on the specified  
> network in that range.  Unless you have dozens of machines it ought  
> to be easy to figure by elimination.

Again, this only works if other hosts reply to ICMP.  "-sP" is nmap
parameter for "ping scan".   If you want to locate possible hosts that
ignore/drop ICMP, then do this: 

   nmap -P0 -sU   

The above takes longer, but is more thorough.   -P0 means to don't try
pinging, -sU is for UDP scans (instead of TCP).  IMHO you will find more
hidden hosts with UDP than with TCP scans.  YMMV.

Also try adding -v (verbose) and -T5 (no holds barred).


-Jim P.

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