[ale] Cannot chown unowned files

C. Lee Davis lists at geographic.net
Wed Aug 24 12:35:59 EDT 2005

Randy C. Ramsdell wrote:
> On Wed, 2005-08-24 at 12:23 +0000, Jeff Hubbs wrote:
>>Not knowing any better, I would suspect a very serious h4x0r problem; 
>>those are three binaries that you would definitely want to replace with 
>>pathologically-altered versions if you wanted to obfuscate what a 
>>machine was really doing or what it really had on it. 
You're right; I've been compromised.  Not sure how yet.  chown is still
properly owned, but I'll be reinstalling this system.

                            C. LEE DAVIS
Fantasy Geographic Society               http://fantasy.geographic.net
GCB for GURPS 4e         http://fantasy.geographic.net/project/4eGURPS
GURPS Cabal: Blue Devils           http://fantasy.geographic.net/cabal

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