[ale] new box crashes when nmapped

Bob Toxen transam at verysecurelinux.com
Fri Aug 19 15:30:53 EDT 2005

Your box is seriously broken!  That should cause absolutely no problem
on any Linux box.  It is, I think, incorrect or, in any case unusual
usage, as the previous poster noted.

Your system's problem could be anything from lack of memory to needing
a reboot to a bad kernel.

Bob Toxen
bob at verysecurelinux.com               [Please use for email to me]
http://www.verysecurelinux.com        [Network&Linux/Unix security consulting]
http://www.realworldlinuxsecurity.com [My book:"Real World Linux Security 2/e"]
Quality Linux & UNIX security and SysAdmin & software consulting since 1990.

"Microsoft: Unsafe at any clock speed!"
   -- Bob Toxen 10/03/2002

On Thu, Aug 18, 2005 at 04:38:02PM -0400, Jim Popovitch wrote:
> I've got a new RH ES 3 box setup (pretty much default settings) and when
> I nmap it from a second host it freezes and needs to be cold booted.
> Here's what I am doing:
>   nmap -PT -p 1-
> I can't imagine that this is normal or expected behavior.  Any ideas on
> what could be happening?
> Tia,
> -Jim P.
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