[ale] recycling (o.t.)

zeb morgan n4zm at mindspring.com
Sat Apr 30 07:54:38 EDT 2005

I have a truck load (literally, and close to) of  "stuff" that needs 
recycling. and I want to take it to the Cobb County recycling affair 
this coming  Saturday.  I called Cobb Country, and they e-mailed me the 
particulars...in Microsoft Word format., which I couldn't read.   
Consequently,  I  need more information.

Are there any residency  requirements?  That is, is this open to the 
public, or is it restricted to Cobb County only.  I live near Emory, and 
the price of gasoline limits my enthusiasm for a wild goose chase. 

Where  is the  recycling place.  I know Geoffrey posted it, but  I  lost 
it.  A street address should be sufficient.   More details  would be 

Needless to say, anyone interested in legacy equipment with no warranty 
is welcome to come look over, look at what I am  trashing, and go home 
with it  (or empty handed, as the case may be.)

Regards to all......Zeb Morgan

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