[ale] Printing via cups and kde oddness?

Robert L. Harris Robert.L.Harris at rdlg.net
Thu Apr 21 16:00:22 EDT 2005

  I have a machine at home running Debian Linux and CUPS.   This system
shares out an HP Deskjet 882C via samba for my wife's laptop.  This
works wonderfully.

  If I try to print from the machine itself from Firefox or most other
applications any graphics are printed about 10 times larger than they
should be (I get about 1/3 of a dilbert window/frame.

  I can't find any settings in Firefox or KDE but get the feeling I'm
overlooking something.

Any ideas I can poke around with?

Robert L. Harris                     | GPG Key ID: E344DA3B
                                         @ x-hkp://pgp.mit.edu
      These are MY OPINIONS             With Dreams To Be A King,
       ALONE.  I speak for              First One Should Be A Man
       no-one else.                       - Manowar

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