[ale] CENTRAL MEETING, Th, 4/14: Diving into Python and (sadly) Moderator Michael Hirsch Departing

aaron aaron at pd.org
Fri Apr 8 05:09:03 EDT 2005

The topic that we have squeezed in for this Month's ALE CENTRAL
meeting on Thursday, April 14th at 7:30pm is 

' An Agile, Un-Constricted Review of "Diving Into Python" '

[ open source text book tutorial available at http://DiveIntoPython.org>  ]

Presenter Aaron Ruscetta (that's me) will be sharing his attempt at reviving 
some neglected coding skills through the study of a new programming language. 
In this case, we're talking about Python, the popular,  object oriented, 
cross platform language named for the British comedy troupe that introduced 
us to the concept of "spam" as an unwelcome but tirelessly persistent 

A cursory review of the freely available tutorial and reference text book, 
"Diving Into Python" will serve as the framework for some broader discussions 
of both the Python language and the "agile" pair programming methods that we 
employed in this instance to enhance both the code writing and educational 

I say we, because credit for this months presentation additionally goes to 
Michael Hirsch, whose  "Super Duper" disk cloning project, professional 
experience and cordial friendship made every step of the language exploration 
and presentation preparation easier and more enjoyable.

And, while I'm thanking Michael, I must also regretfully announce that April 
14th will mark  his last ALE meeting for a while, since his new place of 
employment is buried in the deep Rocky Mountain snow drifts of Boulder 
Colorado.  We'll all have a chance to say (a warm, cozy, Atlanta) "so long 
and thanks for all the Tips"  with a Stone Cold Ice Cream salute after 
Thursday's meeting.

Michael's departure means we will be needing a new Atlanta Linux Enthusiast to 
volunteer as a Co-Moderator for the Central Meeting.  The task is definitely 
much more manageable with two people, so help will is both welcome and 

Lastly, once we get a first new Meeting Moderator comortable, I'd like to take 
a break from these duties for a while as well and hope that some time before 
the end of the year we can find a second new Co-Moderator volunteer for the 
Central meeting. 

Anyone interested in picking up a Central Meeting Co-Moderator torch only 
needs to say so at a meeting!  :-)

With thanks,
(because the only culture of life is the Culture of Peace)

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