[ale] Anti-virus

Chris Ricker kaboom at gatech.edu
Wed Sep 22 13:42:02 EDT 2004

On Wed, 22 Sep 2004, Mark K. Lame wrote:

> I've found the Anomy Sanitizer to be a very strong solution:
> http://mailtools.anomy.net
> **Read the 'What makes this better than XYZ?' section**

That's conceptually more in the MimeDefang / amavisd-new space. It still
requires an external AV scanner (either clamav, or something closed-source)
to do the actual AV scanning....

> Also, James Kinney put out an email suggesting 'DSPAM' a few months ago.
> Has anyone tried it?  I know James tested it, came up with good results.

In the two sites where I've tried it, it was less accurate than amavisd-new
+ spamassassin + black / white lists. YMMV, o' course.


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