[ale] How can I delete this file?

David A. De Graaf dad at datix.2y.net
Wed Sep 8 11:10:54 EDT 2004

On Wed, Sep 08, 2004 at 06:10:51AM -0400, Geoffrey wrote:
> David A. De Graaf wrote:
> >On Tue, Sep 07, 2004 at 08:36:18PM -0400, Christopher Bergeron wrote:
> >
> >>Hrm, neither solution seemed to work.  I'm truly stumped on this one.  I 
> >>have no idea what created these files, I think I cat'ed a binary to the 
> >>console or something.
> >>
> >>Any other ideas?
> >>
> >>Is there a way I can delete the inode(s) without damaging my filesystem?
> >
> >
> >The 'find' command will almost always do this job:
> >
> >First make sure you can concoct a regular expression for the name that 
> >matches only this single file.
> I think this is the heart of the problem, determining the proper RE. 
> Once that's done, I'm not sure what the purpose of 'find' is.  If find 
> matches the filename, then what's wrong with simply executing 'rm filename?'

What I failed to emphasize is that find has a slew of other
exclusionary rules that allow you to select a particular file.
You need not use a regular expression in the -name <RE> option.
You can base the selection on date, size, owner, etc., or various
combinations.  Use any method that ultimately selects just that one file
and then add the -exec rm {} \;  and the job is done.

Find is one of my favorite UNIX commands.  It is very powerful and
flexible, but as always, requires some effort to master.

	David A. De Graaf    DATIX, Inc.    Hendersonville, NC
	dad at datix.2y.net    (828) 696-8646;  fax (828) 694-1037

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