[ale] What's so special about gmail invites?

Robert Reese ale at sixit.com
Wed Sep 1 01:57:28 EDT 2004

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On 8/31/2004 at 9:56 PM Vernard Martin wrote:

>Kenneth W Cochran wrote:
>> see $subject, just curious I guess,
>> Thanks,
>Currently, the only way to get a gmail account is to get an invite from 
>someone that already has a gmail acct and has invites available. the 

Since I've had a Blogger account, my guess is I've got them too, but I'll
be damned if I'll ever use them.  In fact, look for my new filter that
automatically deletes and blocks any inbound email from gmail accounts.  I
*will* not have have Google or anyone else peruse through any email I send
to a gmail user, and certainly am not interested in having Google sniff any
email sent to me from a gmail account.  ;c)

Robert Reese~

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