[ale] text to speech on Linux?

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Mon Nov 15 16:22:30 EST 2004

Dow_Hurst wrote:
> Has IBM released again the via-voice software developers stuff for
> Linux?  What is available at all for voice recognition?  I know
> festival works fine since Geoffrey uses it in production for caller
> id and fax announcements.  He might be able to provide some of the
> scripting needed to pipe from one app to another.  I would like voice
> recognition under Linux integrated with KDE and OO.  ;-) Dow

IBM kinda outsourced viavoice and there are no plans to continue Linux 
support.  There's another company that does voice synth. for Linux, but 
I can't recall the name.  I'll have to search my brain.

Until later, Geoffrey

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