[ale] FIrefox question

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Fri Nov 5 11:54:46 EST 2004

Sonali wrote:
> Hey guys,
> I am trying to set up Firefox so that when I start it up, I can have 
> multiple tabs open with my choice of URLs. Is there a feature//plug-in 
> that will help me open up Slashdot, cnn, my web mail in different tabs 
> when firefox is started up?

I don't know if this will work in firefox, but I would expect so.  I 
opened each page I wanted in my startup window in separate tabs.  I then 
went into preferences and selected my start up page as the current page. 
  It indicates it's a set of tabs.  Now when I open my browser, I get 
that set up tabs.

Problem is, every new browser window will open the same set of tabs 
everytime. :(

Until later, Geoffrey

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