[ale] Its over. Maybe

aaron aaron at pd.org
Wed Nov 3 23:32:07 EST 2004

On Wednesday 03 November 2004 12:53, Chris Farris wrote:
> However - Any "X stole the election" or other such nonsense and I'll
> moderate you again.
> Technical discussion of Diebold machines is permitted.

The arrangement being suggested above is pretty much impossible, 
 since the two issues are insperably interwoven.  ;-)

>  In fact, if
> anyone has a smart card reader - I'd like to see what is on my election
> day souvenir.
> Chris
> The List Nazi.

It's respectable that you don't try to deny your Nazi roots like most
of the Nazi's in the country. To honor that, I'll be a good police state 
citizen and report your felony souvenir collecting activities to the 
Secretary's office.

(because the only secure future is a future of peace)

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