[ale] X running excruciatingly slow

Sergio Chaves sergio at turbocorp.com
Mon May 17 09:41:37 EDT 2004

Is it a celeron machine?
I read somewhere that X on celeron machines
need at least 512 Megs RAM with 800+ being

my 2 cents

Geoffrey wrote:

> John Wells wrote:
>> Michael D. Hirsch said:
>>> Could be interrupt problems.  If your mouse is having a conflict, it 
>>> could
>>> slow things down.
>> How would I identify this?  I am still at a loss on this one.  I've
>> switched mice and keyboards, but same affect.  I booted up to a Win XP
>> drive in same machine, same mouse and keyboard, and everything worked
>> perfectly fine, so it's got to be something on the linux side.  I also
>> upgraded the entire system, X included, to the latest versions from
>> freshrpms.net...still no luck.
> If you're having interrupt issues, I expect to see some logging info, 
> probably in /var/log/messages.
> I'd compare the interrupts between linux and XP.  /proc/intterrupts 
> will show you active interrupts and also identify shared interrupts.
> I assume XP has some facility for the same as did win9?, but I've not 
> had the need to research it on that virus.

  ?v?          Sergio Chaves            ?v?
 /(_)\       www.turbocorp.com         /(_)\   
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            Linux User #221305

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