[ale] syslog entry

Danny Cox danscox at mindspring.com
Tue May 11 17:29:12 EDT 2004


On Mon, 2004-05-10 at 13:35, Armsby John-G16665 wrote:
> Thanks for the input.  Is there a chance that there is some sort 

> of "corporate" scan going on.  I know the corporate it types want 

> to "know" what is going on.  Guess they don't trust us guys down 

> south...

	Hey, we (Southerners) rebelled once before.  Once burned twice shy....

	I don't think that a scan would kill a telnet client.  OTOH, if I were
the suspicious type....  I'm not, though.  For that, see Bob Toxen.

	Where are the client and server?  If the client is remote from you, you
may never know why it terminated.  If it's local, then you perhaps stand
a chance.

	In my case, when I'm working from home, and have ssh'd in to a
corporate server, and wait too long, the connection is killed.  I don't
know if that's default ssh/sshd behavior or if it's the firewall
enforcing some limit, but all I see is the disconnect when I type the
first character after being inactive past the deadline.

kernel, n.: A part of an operating system that preserves the
medieval traditions of sorcery and black art.


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