[ale] Shell Scripting -> find files *.<ext> and move them to /backup

Jason Etheridge phasefx at magusaptus.com
Sat May 8 11:37:32 EDT 2004

Chris Ricker wrote:
> He might be thinking of mv. It now does a copy when going between
> filesystems, but that's relatively new, and at least the Gnu mv still has
> corner cases turning up where mv'ing between filesystems doesn't always Do
> The Right Thing.

I could have swore I encountered it recently, but I couldn't duplicate 
the error in either linux, cygwin, mac, or solaris.  I have ran into the 
differences between GNU and non-GNU tools before, however.

Ah!  Maybe it was the rename command in perl.  I think that was it.

-- Jason

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