[ale] real geeks don't use a GUI to order pizzas!!

Jim Philips jimmyc at speedfactory.net
Fri May 7 13:23:42 EDT 2004

That's right! There is now a command line app for ordering pizzas:


Comes complete with intuitive options. From the man page:

pizza_party [-o|--onions] [-g|--green-peppers] [-m|--mushrooms] [-v|--olives] 
[-t|--tomatoes] [-h|--pineapple] [-x|--extra-cheese] [-d|--cheddar-cheese] 
[-p|--pepperoni] [-s|--sausage] [-w|--ham] [-b|--bacon] [-e|--ground-beef] 
[-c|--grilled-chicken] [-z|--anchovies] [-u|--extra-sauce] [-U|--user= 
username] [-P|--password= pasword] [-I|--input-file= input-file] 
[-V|--verbose] [-Q|--quiet] [-F|--force] [QUANTITY] [SIZE] [CRUST] 

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