[ale] Suse 9.1 Consortium Update

Steve Nicholas syssfn at circe.gsu.edu
Tue May 4 01:00:26 EDT 2004

OK. I'm running RH 9, which just hit it's EOL on 4/30.  I'm looking for
options, but not in a big hurry to reinstall, and reconfigure.  I could be
a candidate for the Suse 9.1 install.  Thoughts, issues...  Thoughts about
Susu's firewall.  I really don't won't to reinvent the wheel, but....

What I'm going after is either a cat 5 connection or wireless to connect
my wife's win2k box to my Linux box using Samba.  She's in a different
room from my Linux box.  Feedback is welcome....


| Steve Nicholas             |                        |
| Software Systems Engineer  |  A risk is not a risk  |
| Georgia State University   |  until it is taken.    |
| snicholas at gsu.edu          |                        |
| 404-651-1062               |  BBROYGBVGW            |

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