[ale] NOW what do I do?? Missing /proc

Jeff Hubbs hbbs at comcast.net
Sun Mar 28 20:45:36 EST 2004

On Sun, 2004-03-28 at 19:28, Mark Angeli wrote:
> Try:
> mount -o rw,remount /
> That should remount / as read/write and let you make the partition.
> Why it wasn't created on install is beyond me....

Uhh...I think I can address that.  :)

This was an unusual Gentoo installation in that I was working on an
already-booted older Gentoo installation.  I had two external 2GB SCSI
drives plugged up, with the new root on one and a new /usr on another. 
Somewhere in the course of doing this, I think I forgot to bind mount
/proc.  When I get this thing to boot normally, the idea is to replace
the old root and /usr on the two internal drives with the contents of
the two external drives.  The new /boot is the same as the old /boot
(sda1).  Then, I ought to be able to modify fstab and grub.conf and it
should boot right up.  

- Jeff

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