[ale] NOW what do I do?? Missing /proc

Jeff Hubbs hbbs at comcast.net
Sun Mar 28 19:26:37 EST 2004

I've painted myself into a bit of a corner on a Gentoo-running machine
that I've just set up.

At boot, the kernel tells me that I don't have a /proc and gives me an
option to provide a root password or hit Ctl-D for normal boot (which
takes me straight to a kernel panic).  It tells me to remount my root
filesystem as read-write and issue the command mkdir -p /proc.

After I provide a root password, "umount /" *appears* to work but
clearly doesn't.  I mean, how can you do that, really, anyway?  The
problem is that with / mounted read-only, it won't *let* me do a "mkdir
-p /proc".

This is an old Integraph all-SCSI no-IDE machine that can't boot to a CD
drive.  Any suggestions as to how I can get a /proc made easily?

- Jeff

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