[ale] GPL Question.

Keith Morris - IQ keith at iqtv.com
Tue Mar 16 09:54:17 EST 2004

thanks for your responses.  I wasn't actually interested in removing the 
copyright notice, it was more of a philisophical question....



Kevin Krumwiede wrote:

>On Mon, 15 Mar 2004 18:20:42 -0500
>Keith Morris <graphicsguy at charter.net> wrote:
>>Here is a code example of what I'm talking about...it's not removing
>>the copyright, just the DISPLAY of the copyright on rendered
>>pages...notice right in the copyrigh notice, I can "redistribute it
>>and/or modify it"...
>>From the GPL:
>"If the modified program normally reads commands interactively when run,
>you must cause it, when started running for such interactive use in the
>most ordinary way, to print or display an announcement including an
>appropriate copyright notice..."
>The original author still holds the copyright on any GPL code you
>incorporate into your programs.  If you fork PHP-Nuke and add or modify
>parts of it, you could (and should) add your own copyright notice, but
>you can't remove the original.  (IANAL, etc.)
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>Ale at ale.org

:: Keith Morris
:: Creative Director
:: Design / Effects
:: IQ television group
:: Atlanta, GA
:: 404.255.3550
:: http://www.iqtv.com

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