[ale] Customer data not our problem

Bob Toxen bob at verysecurelinux.com
Fri Mar 12 17:20:38 EST 2004

American Airlines and Verizon are part of the latest trend of e-commerce
companies putting fine print in their "Terms of Use" that states that if
a security breach on their systems cause compromise of customer data
that they are not liable:


Thus, if they use, say, an unsecured unpatched Windows IIS web server and
1,000,000 customer credit cards get compromised and falsely billed, the
companies could not be sued.

Read the fine print and take your business elsewhere and tell them
why you are!

Best regards,

Bob Toxen, CTO
Fly-By-Day Consulting, Inc.
"Your expert in Firewalls, Virus and Spam Filters, VPNs,
Network Monitoring, and Network Security consulting"
bob at verysecurelinux.com (e-mail)
http://www.verysecurelinux.com       [Network & Linux/Unix Security Consulting]

My recent talks on Linux security include:
  at IBM's Linux Competency Center in New York City     on Mar.  06 last year
  at the Atlanta SecureWorld Expo in Atlanta            on May   22 last year
  at the Enterprise Linux Forum in Silicon Valley       on June  04 last year
  at Computer Associates' Atlanta Linux Security Summit on Sep.  16 last year
  at Southeast Cybercrime Summit in Atlanta             on Mar.   4 2004
  at the FBI's Atlanta headquarters                     on Mar.  10 2004

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