[ale] OT: WYSIWYG HTML editor

James Sumners james at sumners.ath.cx
Fri Mar 12 15:25:25 EST 2004

Nvu (http://www.nvu.com/) at least generates valid HTML. I have yet to see
another WYSIWYG editor that does (well, I suppose I would have to use them
first). I tried it out the other day to see if it would work for a friend who
was bitching about FrontPage. From what I saw it is done pretty well. I even
pointed it towards my personal page, which is XHTML 1.0 Strict without a table
in sight, and it displayed everything correctly.

On 12 Mar 2004 15:10:47 -0500
Chris Fowler <cfowler at outpostsentinel.com> wrote:

> Has anyone used this:
> http://www.thekompany.com/products/quanta/
> I'm looking for a good full-featured product that can help me design
> professional web pages *fast*.  I do not care for an OSS app that maybe
> half done.  
> Thanks,
> Chris
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I used to be interested in Windows NT, but the more I see of it the more it
looks like traditional Windows with a stabler kernel. I don't find anything
technically interesting there. In my opinion MS is a lot better at making money
than it is at making good operating systems.  -- Linus Torvalds

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