[ale] OT: java gc

miguel miguelquintero at bellsouth.net
Tue Mar 9 22:55:10 EST 2004

hello alers..

need your opinion:
i have a java program that runs for several days then it begins
to throw out of memory exceptions. its a small multi-threaded
app.server. i don't consider it that memory intensive.
it seems that over the long run the gc is not freeing up enough
of the heap. i played with the -Xmx param and obviously all it does
is to delay the exceptions. other than system.gc calls and assigning
objects to null are there other ways i can "hint" the gc to "please
hurry and free up some of the heap" before more allocations take place?
i guess tuning with the -X heap settings i can have the jvm call the gc
more often?


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