[ale] Problem connecting to internet

Trey Sizemore trey at fastmail.fm
Wed Jun 30 12:36:27 EDT 2004

Nathan J. Underwood wrote:
> I had Adelphia years ago (now, I'm a proud Speedfactory user :-D ), and 
> had to use pump to get an IP every time I rebooted.  When the box was 
> booting, and got to my outside nic, it would always fail.  If I waited 
> until it booted, logged in, and ran pump (I believe the syntax was pump 
> -i eth0 or something).  I'm not sure if SuSE comes with pump, but I'm 
> pretty sure that dhcpcd has a similar option.  Hope this helps.
Thanks.  This is a little frustrating to say the least.  Unfortunately, 
here in Canton, I can only get Adelphia's cable service or DSL through 

Tried the pump command, but apparently this is not something that's 
present in my SUSE 9.1 install (command not found).  Plus, I'd hate to 
have to do this (much less my wife) everytime we booted up.

Perhaps there are some other options or suggestions.

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