[ale] Postfix problems - ripping my hair out

Jay jloden at toughguy.net
Thu Jun 17 08:58:09 EDT 2004

Hi all, I'm having trouble setting up postfix on my server.  I've had it 
running before, successfully, but forgot to back up the conf file I used 
when I did it.  I decided to try and get it running again finally, so i 
could check out squirrelmail and play with some things.

However, despite my best attempts the past several days, I have been 
utterly unable to receive email from the outside world.  Postfix is 
running, and so is imapd and popd, and I can send myself mail from user 
to user on the machine.  I can also send mail to the outside world with 
either the mail command or squirrelmail.  However, any mail sent to the 
server from outside fails to arrive.  I dont get immediate bounce backs, 
either, it takes many hours before I get bounces back. 

The ports are forwarded on the router, and they're open on the machine, 
and I can telnet into all of them except for 25.  Is this my ISP 
blocking port 25 for incoming instead of just outgoing?

I have tried to diagnose this every way I can think of, read of, or 
guess and I'm stumped.  I've put my main.cf file on the web server at 
www.jayloden.com/main.cf if that helps any, and I also posted the output 
of netstat -punta and an nmap scan on localhost, at 

If anyone has any help, or maybe just a main.cf I can look at, that 
would be great.  Note: I only have one server, and one domain, 
jayloden.com, all at the same IP address, etc.  No virtual hosts or 
anything like that set up. 


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