[ale] mindspring accounts bouncing

John Mills johnmills at speakeasy.net
Sun Jul 25 19:36:16 EDT 2004

ALErs -

ALE just got dumped me on the same grounds from Speakeasy. This doesn't
make a lot of sense. My account has virus filtering on (it's 
mandatory), but sapm filtering _off_ (I can hit 'D' pretty well by 

Could ALE be generating traffic that a reasonably configured mail server
bounces? Perhaps?

On Sun, 25 Jul 2004, Geoffrey wrote:

> It seems that a ton of mindspring accounts subscribed to the list have 
> been unsubb'ed because of excessive bounces. Might this be related to 
> the aforementioned auth. issue???

 - John Mills
   john.m.mills at alum.mit.edu

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