[ale] OT: Win98 + Infections

Jay jloden at toughguy.net
Mon Jul 5 01:32:19 EDT 2004

I suggest installing Firefox for their browsing, to prevent future 
infection, and then teaching them how to use Ad-Aware and Spybot.  As  
it so happens, I've got a page with full illustrations on how to update 
and run Ad-Aware / Spybot scans at www.jayloden.com/AdAware.htm so you 
can even just bookmark that for them.  I'm assuming here that moving 
them to linux just isn't really an option, so this is what I would do 
for a windows machine to prevent spyware.  If they are manually 
downloading and installing spyware applications, that's a different 
problem altogether ;)


Christopher Fowler wrote:

>Everytime I come to my parents house I have to clean crap off their
>win98 machine.  All of it is adware. I'm using a D-Link firewall and
>I do not think a firewall will solve this problem since most of 
>this mess comes through port 80.  Is there a way?
>One solution is to have 2 machines.  One for Win98 for their windows
>stuff that is not connected to the internet.  The other running Linux
>for browsing and such.  Or dual-boot may work?
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