[ale] Codeweavers: Compatibility Center Announcement

Dow Hurst dhurst at kennesaw.edu
Wed Jan 21 09:47:35 EST 2004

I thought I'd pass this on to the list:

Subject: [Discuss] Announcing the CodeWeavers Compatibility 
and Certification Center
From: Jeremy Newman <jnewman at codeweavers.com>
Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2004 09:23:37 -0600
To: discuss at crossover.codeweavers.com

We are very excited to announce that today we are launching 
a major new initiative for 2004 - the CodeWeavers CrossOver 
Compatibility Center.

This web based forum is intended to serve as the focal point 
for all of the work that we do on CrossOver and Wine over 
the coming years.

It is our belief that Wine is maturing to the point where it
is possible to make any application work fairly readily.  We 
believe that the Compatibility Center will let us bring 
together the people and tools needed to make Linux a truly 
Windows compatible environment.  Further, we have defined a 
new Desktop Linux Certified program which we believe will 
allow ISVs to start porting to the Linux platform with 
confidence and ease.

The Compatibility Center will allow you to:

   * Learn specific details about the state of CrossOver
     vis-a-vis your favorite Windows applications.
   * Track your applications, and help to see that they
     are well supported.
   * Provide us with direct feedback so that we can best
     select the most needed applications for support
     under CrossOver.

The Certification process will allow a Windows ISV to:

   * Assess their application with regards to CrossOver/Wine
   * Determine what steps are required to certify their
     application for the Linux desktop
   * Take simple, cost effective steps to bring their
     application the rest of the way to Linux
   * Deliver their application to their customers in
     a broadly supported, widely deployed environment
     that will assure ongoing compatibility with Linux.

By helping ISVs to develop for Linux, we are helping to 
continue the snowball of adoption of Linux for the desktop.

To see the compatibility center, please visit our web site, 
at www.codeweavers.com/site/compatibility/

Finally, we do recognize that what we are offering and 
asking requires a lot of support and interaction with our 

All of us at CodeWeavers are deeply appreciative of all the 
support you have shown in the past, and we are all looking 
forward to working with you to bring your applications to Linux.

Jeremy Newman <jnewman at codeweavers.com> CodeWeavers, Inc.

Dow Hurst                  Office: 770-499-3428            *
Systems Support Specialist    Fax: 770-423-6744            *
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